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andycarrollstyle's picture
Submitted by andycarrollstyle on Fri, 14/10/2016 - 21:50

Just to highlight an article from today's Metro paper -

Callieri featured in their football weekend feature with an interview, where the man stated he wanted to replicate the impact of his fellow countryman Carlitos Tevez...

He has hardly hit the ground running since he joined us on loan and his previous record was nothing to brag about but according to the interview, the young man has high aspirations of cutting it in the English Premier League and hopes to become a contender for our club.

Feel like perhaps he has been a little unlucky for us, probably half of the chances he has had up front on the end of the ball could have been goals - I think he has been better in this respect than Zaza by simply being on the end of stuff but at the same time he has missed some sitters.

He has 6 months to prove himself at the Olympic Stadium - could he come good?

As a side note - the other feature had Raphael Spiegel commenting on why our season hasn't really taken off... Really... why pick our 3rd choice keeper to give an 'insight'???

Feel like papers don't even try these days!

Calleri missed a real sitter against Watford. The kid gets in some great positions but couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo right now. Hoping if he gets a goal they start coming like buses but until he scores, we'll never know. Admittedly he's not had as much game time as Zaza so maybe a bit unfair if I was to put him in the sh!t category right now. He's not far from it though.

Asfor the papers, it's their job to sell it by any means possible. At the moment their agenda is to write all things negative....especially that twat Mike Walker in the Mirror. Hate that prick!!!!!

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The media ,and i mean all the media are against us because they want us to go south ,it would be one of the biggest storys of the premiership so far ,you can imagin som of the headlines ,west ham move to 60 thou stadium then move to the lower leagues, there is nnothing they like more than a laughing stock the only comparable story would be Leicster city going south

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Burkie 1

bonzo and the bov's picture

I was thinking the same before Saturday's game..

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Lol .. Oh yeah I forgot we had him but you never know at least Age is on his side and he may come good still yet hopefully .. But "imo" lets get Sakho back Asap ! .. And I also think that perhaps it's also well worth persevering with Young Ashley Fletcher to be honest !

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North Bank Hammer's picture

Tevez didn't start too well either for us but really took control in the second half of the season (2006 I think) so while I doubt Callieri will come good it pays to keep an open mind. Mascherano didn't make it at all in claret and blue but we've seen since that he is a star player.

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