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Hogan deal off

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 31/01/2017 - 07:04

apparently according to SSN Bilic made the decision based on Ayew coming back and sakho back from injury. still not convinced Ayew is a out and out striker and Sakho's injury record is fast becoming as bad as carrolls.

harrythehammers's picture

Hogan off to villa apparently.

Hope all those that trust in slaven sending martinez out on loan also trust his decision on hogan and keeping calieri. After all he is an experienced manager and he knows more than the rest of us

268 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Apart from the mega dosh wanted from Brentford,Maybe hogans non impact in the chelski cup game,sealed his fate,you know playing a prem side and all that,if he'd got a goal or 2 might have been a different story,i don't know

230 users have voted.

£15m would have been a joke considering his injury problems and the fact that he hasn't played PL football. He has only managed 33 games since 2014!!! Great news and if he's so prolific and PL quality then why are Villa at the top of the list to sign him? The only other PL club that I have seen quoted is Palace, and they are named against every player that is mentioned and desperate!!!

269 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

i agree. i for one never wanted him but many did. i still think we have missed a trick with martinez. don't really see ayew doing it and sakho is almost as injury prone as Carroll. There has been talk of fletcher going out on loan too so if Carroll falls by the wayside again and Sakho doesn't get fit we will be in trouble.

295 users have voted.

I would prefer him as a back up to Carroll than Hogan and he was up for sale. Not a Top player but he was available and has played better football than Hogan and with a very decent goal rate.

270 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Did'nt get what this January window is all about, I can only think Hogan is not medically fit and Billic did not want to take a chance on him. I remember another player like that Dember Ba, 7 goals in 12 games. If we aint getting Hogan then why we sending Fletcher out on loan??????? only need Carrol to get injured and that will put the cat right amongst the pigeons. Martinez another player he's put out on loan. Thought we were going to buy a right back Sam Byram gets injured Wheres the cover????????. I think its wrong for any club to influence a team to drop a player just because they are interested in him and then drop out at the last minute. Seems like the board have made a few bob in this window Za za money they saved, Payet money, that makes 40 mill in the kitty. Oh Fonte 8mill and Snodgrass10.2 thougt they would be able to find a forward and a riht back with the odd 22mill suppose we will get promised another Marque striker at the end of the summer when the season tickets become available its about time the board started running this team like a football team and not a business. in Jan we wanted a striker but got rid of 2 strikers out on loan instead Lost Payet wanted a right back did'nt get one bought Snodgrass when we've all ready got Fegoulli bought Fonte when we have Oxford Oh no have'nt we sent him out on loan as well never mind at least we hung on to Calleri. Just Did'nt get this window At all strange days indeed. I got a nasty hunch this club could be up for sale at the end of the season.

231 users have voted.

I wonder if Ulloa from Leicester goes to Sunderland on their 3rd bid then Defoe might think of jumping ship and come to us.

271 users have voted.

Although I would have liked to see Hogan at our club I do feel that Brentford were holding us to ransom somewhat knowing that we were going to cash in on Payet. £15 mill is an awful lot for an untried chumpionship striker in a team that is hardly setting the chumpionship alight. It's not even as though there is a clamour for his signature. A price of between 6-8mill would've been more palatable. I just wonder how he feels now having blown his chances of a premiere league club.

219 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

We've put in an offer for Jimmy Case grandson JUSTIN,justin case we need him ;)

283 users have voted.

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