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David bowie R.I.P

Submitted by Hammers65 on Mon, 11/01/2016 - 08:06

Just heard the news,in shock-what can you say an idol a icon....R.I.P ZIGGY.....

moore 6 legend's picture

Shocked indeed H65Never new legend bowie was ill, one of the most influential figures in music, god bless ya X

163 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

for his new album only yesterday and was thinking come on dave your dancing like me dad then saw his face and I thought jeeez he looks old then this morning I hear he has passed comes to us all but very sad to see such an icon taken form us...but we have his music so he will always live on R.I.P David

151 users have voted.

Yep didn't realise he was even ill. Was just as shocked to hear his age! Never thought of him as almost 70. It's sad to see his loss but the next generation will have no one they could morn with any credibility as it stands. Rip David Jones

203 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Goodbye Starman, you were one of the true icons of 20th century music and have left a legacy that will be followed for generations to come. RIP

154 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

And not just for one day. Vale David Bowie, Starman, Ziggy, Major Tom.

161 users have voted.

Belated RIP for the genius that is David Bowie.
Highlights of his are too many to list but the Berlin trilogy of albums with Eno (especially 'Low') are probably my favourites.
'Drive-in Saturday' was my first Bowie single back in 1973 (aged 8!).

154 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

In my time I worked (briefly) with him and lemmy and a few others including both the drummers of the specials and motorhead that have shuffled off this mortal coil recently, makes me a bit concerned that I am not too far off!
He'll be writing songs for bobby and my little girl x

163 users have voted.

Flipping heck Nev, no wonder you're feeling that way...You are in good company though I'm feeling old at 50!
Seriously, we've lost some great names recently....Must admit I didn't realise that John Bradbury was as old as 62 (although I realise that is no age to pass away).

Fingers crossed Joni Mitchell is getting better...

178 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Its surreal... someone who has contributed so much, gone just like that. My favourite artist of all time, Its so cool you got the chance to work with him Nev - I never met him but worked with his son who seemed like a top bloke. Lemmy first, now this sad times :-(

151 users have voted.

Born in the 60's grew up in the 70's and always loved the song Life on Mars but never realised how many of his songs I really liked until hearing them all again on the radio yesterday. Changes, Starman, Let's Dance the list goes on and on, Great British artist, RIP

163 users have voted.

Well well long time no speak....How are you Aycliffe?

135 users have voted.

Yes, I'm still here a stones throw away from the Valleys...Still getting abused wearing my colours everywhere in Swansea!
(Strangely enough, not so much recently....The mood is changing down here regarding the local side....).

144 users have voted.

Elvis, Lennon and now Bowie....these artists inspired and influenced far beyond anyone before or since. There is only Bob Dylan left who is up there with these greats after that who are we left with to influence generations? Kanye West anyone?

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