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four games

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 24/09/2017 - 18:04

swansea/burnley/brighton/palace.....thats the next four league games we have.....and i am going to be real hard here and say we have to win them all and with our squad we bloody well should do....if we dont and say only win one then i would be fearing for our prem now is the time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and man up and win.....

andycarrollstyle's picture

With you 100%... we have to win all of these and Bilic should see these 4 games as crucial to keeping his job. Ffs play Hernandez in the centre!

221 users have voted.
albyforeverirons.'s picture

12 more points before we play pool is a must otherwise we should prepare for the worst. I hope someone gets in Bilic ear about his formations and loyalty to certain players as if they don't it will be his end. If the worst happens and the board do decide enough is enough then the decision needs to be made before exmas so any replacement can work out who he needs by January window.

265 users have voted.

Yep we should win all of them, (we won't) if we do I'll give bilic a break. Bet palace and the rest are licking their lips at us. As a manager I wouldn't fear us in the slightest.

278 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

From toffos up to h'sfield they are 1 game away from double figure pts,we must take these 4 games has an opportunity to go on a winning run now

201 users have voted.

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