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Live West Ham v Liverpool Line Ups

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 31/01/2021 - 15:32

West Ham: Fabiański, Coufal, Dawson, Ogbonna, Cresswell, Rice (c), Souček, Bowen, Benrahma, Fornals, Antonio Subs: Martin, Fredericks, Johnson, Diop, Balbuena, Noble, Lanzini, Yarmolenko, Odubeko
Liverpool: Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Phillips, Henderson (c), Robertson, Milner, Wijnaldum, Shaqiri, Thiago, Salah, Origi Subs: Adrian (GK), Kelleher (GK), Tsimikas, R.Williams, Jones, Oxlade-Chamberlain, N.Williams, Firmino, Minamino



sit back and let them dictate and what do we expect, need changes and start attacking or this game is gone.

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it was a chance to really get into them but we are playing to defensive trying to play for the draw. Well that’s gone now so chuck on Lanzini and Odubeko and let them have a good run out. What have we got to lose, oh that’s right we already are.

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mcbikeman's picture

Moyes showed Liverpool way to much respect and when you sit in your own half the majority of the game you get what you deserve......i am not sure Moyes had the belief we coud win this game and if he did why was the team playing the way it did? 6 unbeaten at home against a side with no recognised Central defenders no Mane no Firmino we would not have a better chance to beat them than we did yet we just did not turn up.....Liverpool were first to the ball every time we were not closing them down at any point and making it to H/T 0-0 you were thinking surely now we have to have a go but nope it was the exact same story we sat back and they played around us easily.....Salahs first goal pissed me right off every one and there mother know he aint going onto his right foot he's always coming in onto his left and yet we showed him inside and paid the price the second goal well f**k me conceding from your own corner is a disgrace and as much as they harp on about how brilliant the finish was it should not of happened absolutely criminal.....i don't mind losing but to not even compete from the start pissed me right off...and remember that was probably our best starting eleven out there and they were made to look average by a bunch of second stringers.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

It’s a masterclass in how to play football when you can make a good team look average.

Brought back to earth with a crash. Getting a result against the top teams is difficult. Bring on Villa!

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Gave them way to much respect,thought we would have come out 2nd half & really get into them,Ants & soucek were both pretty poor today but they are going to have off days,never mind weve been on a decent run

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He didn't see my comment yesterday did he...very strange that the team I've been watching of late didn't turn up for the fight...disappointing or what

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it was disappointing but got to admit liverpool closed us down very quickly, they are not champions for nothing, i felt in the first half we matched them well, even tho we did play deep but we have done this before' and hit teams on the break afraid we were played at our own game and i have to admit they were faster and better at it than us hopefully the players will learn from this and be more prepared next time now bring on villa and lets move onwards and upwards c.o.y.i.

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Cannot add much more than what has been stated. Yes, sitting back for practically the entire game was ridiculous. If you do that then ensure that you execute the only sitters that come your way. i.e. Fornals in the first half striking without any conviction, then Antonio in the second half with only the keeper to beat and he puts it wide. Salah then made West Ham pay the price for that miss. Cresswell let his guard down instead of closing him down. However, why is Bowen taking the corners when Cresswell is one of the best in the Premier Division with his precision that ultimately lead to Dawson's goal? Earlier Bowen's dubious corner kick lead to Liverpool hitting on the counter attack and scoring. But here Fabianski was also at fault. If all the defenders are committed to the corner kick then Fabianski should be prepared to also play as a defender. Staying on his line enabled Salah to pick his spot when he received that pass from Shaquiri and then score. If that occurred at the opposite end, you can be rest assured that the Liverpool keeper would have had such crosses into the box from near the centre of the pitch totally covered.

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Fabianski - Average and must take responsibility for the second Salah goal. The Central defenders were the only rock solid pillars in the side. Cresswell although he was pretty steady throughout the game, he should have been a bit more tighter rather than letting Salah create that opener. Coufal put in a reasonable shift. Rice and Soucek were really not up to par. Rice's tackles were pretty dangerous. But they were always second to the loose ball, from headers or 50/50 tackles. Fornals was not existent in the game and should have scored in that first real dangerous move by the Hammers. Benrahma had one or two clever flashes. However, his passes leaves a lot to be desired. Needs to get an understanding with Antonio and Bowen. Bowen was always trying to help out Coufal in the first half, but was more obscure in the second half. Antonio really has not reached that fitness level that he used to have prior to his injury. Somehow he has lost that confidence of scoring since his he hit the posts about 3 times against Crystal Palace. Yarmalenko was far better on the wing than in a centre forward role . Moyes should have introduced some of the youngsters who really performed in the FA Cup against Doncaster. Finally bringing more defence minded players like Noble and Fredricks is mind boggling when you are chasing a game.

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In my opinion he clearly raised the white flag from the very start, lots of people talkin bout Ants ineffectiveness but really the service to him was to fault ,the balls were ten meters in front of him ,its clear there was only 1 game plan and as for not taking the game to them they are masters at not giving you a second on the ball ,the grinning Cheshire cat choose his time to get 2 world class goals ,i thought Martin Tyler would have an orgasm they would have stuffed shitty ,manua and the best of the Spanish in this mood ,still makes you sick though ,especially the way Clop hugs and kisses them when they are subbed as for " im to good for Stoke " Shiqiri ,little fart went to hug Clop on his way off and couldn't make his little arms go all the way round his arse

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We'll see Teusday night whether or not we can put this behind us ,As far as im concerned they are the new scum ,that prick " Jack im the most fouled player in the prem" Greenish allways diving around the place rearly makes my teeth itch ,0 3 ,coyi

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moore 6 legend's picture

I tell you whats happend here,mo salad has turned up at the bowl,took his goals cool as a cucumber,and left our plays looking like a wet lettuce,this needs addressing with a rocket up there backsides.

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