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Are we Franchise United?

Dartford Bhoy's picture
Submitted by Dartford Bhoy on Mon, 05/12/2016 - 14:07

So, after the humiliating result against Arsenal just what exactly is going wrong at West Ham? Allow me vent my spleen and share my experiences and thoughts.

As usual I was at game at some considerable cost in terms of monies spent on season tickets, travel, food, drink etc and in time, each home game takes me over two hours door to door.

The day starts with a drink, our watering hole of choice is the Bat N’ Ball in Westfield where you que up to get in, have to show your ticket to the bouncer, pay over the odds for a pint in a plastic glass, actually it’s not a pint as they always deliver half measures which I guess is in keeping with the football I will injure later. The door staff I guess are an necessity to avoid trouble between rival fans but a smile or even a welcome would be appreciated besides, Im paying top dollar for this half measure.

The walk to the stadium is a mess, I can’t go direct through Westfield and have to shuffle back to the station and be herded the long way to the LS. At the stadium the stewards carryout the worst checks ever experienced, sloppy to say the least and these guys would never get a job at Heathrow. But, its lovely to know they are footie fans, unfortunately they support Arsenal…. Yes, I said Arsenal, don’t believe me? Check out Arsenal TV. So, can this also be connected to the troubles with the Sit Down Stand Up brigade and the heavy handed approach by the clowns in florescent jackets?

Inside the ground we have time to que for another beer at a more reasonable price. Take our seats in the Trevor Brooking stand, have a fab view and surrounded by really lovely people who already feel like family. We are West Ham dyed in the wool and normally full of optimism although after the reality of OT we are a little apprehensive. I share with them my bets for the day, always long odds on first goal scorer, Oggy and Mussy at 100 to one.

Game starts and already we are under the cosh, tragic error by Oggy and we are one down but by half time, this could have been more thinking Wenger will be the most upset given the chances missed. The second half needs no comment apart from a moment when a ball boy throws the ball not to a West Ham player but basically yards in the wrong direction. We laugh, that is until we then see on Twitter OUR ball boys having a selfie after the match with Cazola, all smiles. Don’t believe me… hit the web. So again, we have more Arsenal fans in the club?

At 5-1 down we are still sat there in a now rather empty stadium, accept the Gooner section, with minutes left. Heads are down and we look second best in all departments.

Crowning glory for the day is the trudge back to Stratford but this time we are stopped half way to allow a few hundred Arsenal supporters priority on the road. Thousands of Hammers fans stopped and like mugs we accept it but not for me, this is the straw that broke the back when a mild mannered, short fat 57 year old flipped! I gave these clowns full barrel and guess what, lots of other people also made the their thoughts know and abracadabra we got the priority!

Back to the first comment, whats going wrong? On the pitch, plenty but manly attitude which according to Slav is even seen in training! Off the pitch, behind the scenes there is a rift between Slav and the playing staff. The injuries don’t help but the last transfer window, apart from Fletcher, was shocking business. Dimi is not bothered, so let him and many others go. Make Lanzini skipper and build a team around him! As for the Bowl of Misery, either buy it out right or rebuild.

UP is gone, our homeland is gone, Stratford has no links to West Ham United, the locals don’t like football or prefer Arsenal, we have no home, remember we only have rights to the stadium for 19 days in 365 unless we have cup games. The heart and soul has been ripped out of our club, time to admit we were sold a pup and its time to make a noise because I feel the anger brewing that will make the Bond Scheme look like a kids party. The Holy Trinity will eventually sell and Baroness Branded Brady will swan off into the sunset leaving us to support Franchise United, wanderers of East London!

mcbikeman's picture

since this fiasco began....used to be an academy member but not anymore with the new claret membership basically allowing you into a raffle for tickets.....and don't forget peeps who forked out for season tickets had to buy two seasons worth I wonder why!

197 users have voted, including you.

Disagree Fred. I watched Payet on Wednesday night at Old Trafford and i timed him for 6 mins, and he didn't move outside of a 10 metre radius. He doesn't want to play for us and has been average by his own hype all season. At least Lanzini wants the ball. I'd keep One of the goalies, not fussed ny either to be honest, Cressswell, Kouyate, Obiang, Lanzini, Antonio and the rest can f**k off.

167 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

cheers Fred... knock yer self out and enjoy the rest :o)

What upset you most, Lanzini as skipper or losing Payet? The latter is on the cards, Holy Trinity will accept a big enough cheque, everyone has a price.

215 users have voted.

Both. I think the amount of fans turning Payet is ridiculous and I think way to much is being expected of him. Everyones saying hes disinterested but I disagree. All game he keeps trying to make things happen but when he gets he ball theres nobody close to him. The rest of the team need to start playing up to his level. We also need to get Lanzini playing next to payet rather then opposite sides of the pitch

217 users have voted.

It the last two games mate. Look at the manu second goal again from the cup. Gives the ball away then just watches a player run past him. Great free kick taker but not up for a fight. Maybe bring him back when we're safe and we're playing a crap team.

212 users have voted.

I don't think he'll be here in January anyway so may as well get used to it. If we only have one source for goals we should be relegated on principle

195 users have voted.

I think the reason why a lot of fans are angry is that we didnt have a say in the move,& were fed a lot of spin to make us move quietly...Yes it is a nice stadium,but its not home & personally i cant ever see it being home,the boleyn was called a "khazi" but it was our khazi!!also i dont buy into the idea that this stadium can attract "star" players,blimey at the moment its gonna take ages for our present personnel to get used to playing there!!

193 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I hate this sentimental UP crap. The famous atmosphere only occured at night games, plus id be caught countless times in Green st waiting for away fans to be shephered to the tube station.
My journey is lovely to new ground, great for my children and the popcorn is delicious.

163 users have voted.

Had we been challenging for top 4 rather then a relegation battle my opinion is we would be hearing alot more of how the great the stadium is. Atmosphere at the chelsea game and after going 2-0 up against watford were better than anything ive ever heard in my time at going to UP. Travelling to and from the games is easy as anything.

201 users have voted.

I think currently the majority are focussing their attentions on how crap the team is doing and the reasons behind it I.e training, the players attitudes, Bilic tactics and the summer signings. Had we been top 4, there'd be less to moan about with regards those points and there would be more focus on how we're playing our home games in an athletics stadium. It's not a football stadium by any stretch of the imagination. It's too far away from the pitch, the gaps behind the retractable seating are shocking and it's just a makeshift football stadium. I've never seen popcorn and ice cream sold in a football stadium before. The stewarding is poor, the attitude of LS185 is shocking and it's like just 1 big nightmare. Videos of photos of stewards with Arsenal scarves and ball boys not even throwing the ball to our players is nothing short of embarrassing in our own stadium and highly unprofessional. Plain clothed people walking around filming the crowd in block 114 and the antagonising of the stewards and their snatch squad placed in the crowd is just shite. This may have become a disjointed post but I'm angry about so much with regards the stadium and the team. One of the worst seasons of being a West Ham fan for me

214 users have voted.

Exactly my thoughts-when we went i couldnt believe the distance from the pitch,(we were told that every seat would have a great view!!utter boll*x!!)the scaffolding for the retractable seating,etc...put us right off as soon as we got in the ground...add that to the soul-less walk from & to the station in an area now that might as well be in somewhere like milton keynes,its changed so much over the years...
though i am getting e-mails for tickets for burnley & hull,because apparently im on the season ticket waiting list!!!i thought you had to pay a tenner for the privilege.....hmm

168 users have voted, including you.
mcbikeman's picture

constantly right now....and I am apparently on the season ticket waiting list to..thats news to much for sold out for every home game.....

182 users have voted.

I've started to avoid the crowds after the game now by getting on the hammershat boats. It's a good craic on there and no queuing to get on the train after

161 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Darren you are lucky as your route on saturday away from the LS was different to mine, we were held back at the crossroads for a handful of Gooners while thousands of Hammers fans are made to wait like second class citizens at our so called home!

189 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I don't get why away fans are just kept in for half an hour.

193 users have voted.

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