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Arse Wenger Wally

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 29/08/2017 - 13:15

so Arsenal in crisis after putting in a performance even worse than west ham against liverpool….and wenger's answer has been decisive….sell oxlade chamberlain the cause of all the ills….and bring in…yes wait for it……Johnny Evans. lol. you have to laugh. First Leicester wanted him, then Man C and now Arsenal? Wenger must be sitting in the office scratching his head 'well how do i fix this mess this time?' he picks up the papers….Man City want Evans…..'ah there we go…Johnny is the answer'

mcbikeman's picture

apparently citeh have bid for sanchez and put sterling in as part of the deal hows that make him feel lol....and why would players want to go to arsenal right now with all the negativity around the manager.....the man is a selfish fool who should of accepted his time has come but nobody apart from there fans have the balls to tell him that.

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