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Rice/Diop/Antonio all to be sold

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Thu, 29/04/2021 - 19:19

Just put that up because all the usual shite started......and well out of the three would we miss the other two? Antonio no need to say anything but good as he is we just count the games till the hamstring goes and Diop he has not been a regular this season covid issues and all that but we could get on without him and could get decent money for Lanzini/Yarma/Anderson all available we no that but its there wages that will put others off so Moyes is going to have to get creative with his squad and make unpopular decisions to try and boost the miserly Pot of cash he will have this who would you pick if you had to?

Benny going unfortunately,if we get the 20 mill back for him,diop as well.

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mcbikeman's picture

Lanzini performed so well last night and maybe he can save the club some money by keeping that level of performance going and considering it was his first start in around 10 games he was highly impressive....maybe he can change Moyes mind and maybe we can use money on other areas of the squad that not needing to replace him will free up

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mcbikeman's picture

Both sniffing a bidding war could ensue throughout the summer....not for sale we say but every player has a price regardless....and with the fiasco of the super league still causing shock waves in boardrooms splashing out big cash on players like Rice may seem a way to appease the man on the terrace.....hope not but we will have to wait and see i guess

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