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For better or for worse?

Submitted by Enfieldhammer on Sun, 31/07/2022 - 07:25

With 7 days remaining until the start of the season. Are we in a better position as a team/squad or worse position than when the season ended in May?
To date we have added 3 new additions to last season. Not including Areola. Defensively we are surely worse off. Though we added Aguerd he is a non runner. The left back position is a massive problem. We lost 2 in midfield and added 1. Yes we added a much needed striker. We have got no natural cover for Bowen with Yarma going. For me we need major input asap and quality to boot.

mcbikeman's picture

Look at preseason we have been poor that can be a good thing as it highlights the problems in the squad but not acting on those problems quickly enough may well be our undoing.

Looking at yesterdays performance again the team looked lethargic disinterested and way below the level that will be needed next God we are in or i should say moyes and co are in for a rude awakening Citeh and the bindppers light years ahead of chelski/gooners/manure/spuds.... so wheres that leave us? and adding a defensive midfielder and a striker is no where near enough...i have not forgotten Aguerd but i doubt we will see him until after the world cup.

The club have known for a long time how many players we were losing this summer and the need for quality replacements and so we had the save the kitty till the summer mantra....well summers well and truly here and Scamacca arrival very welcome very WELCOMED indeed but its not enough....chasing pie in the sky targets is ridiculous and has cost us so far this summer.....Kostic like many here thought he would say know so why not Cornet? rumours(smile 65)are he's next and with a £17.5 million buyout clause you'd think a no brainer BUT if activated you have to pay that in one hit not installments so who here thinks we will low ball it or as suggested pay more but for that it has to be in installments.
either way this has to be done but it is so late now we have a team that looks tired and any new arrivals old dithering dave loves to bed them in slowly so maybe January!.

So unless something Drastic happens in the next week we are a lot worse off IMO Enfield

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Pretty much mine & I'm sure most fans Bike. Too much time was spent on Lingard. Cornet is an absolute shoe in to replace the outgoing Masuaku. Just hope we don't make desperation signings. Bad window for me.

11 users have voted.

Can we really say we are worse?? I agree we spent too much time on waiting on Lingard,we have got a striker in good,Aguerd hes crocked,and Flynn Downes im hoping on,but really i feel we havent moved backwards,but in same havent progressed forwards,so feel it will be the same old im afraid,next week with Citeh will be a hard start,but hoping Scammaca will start,bet he dosent,and gets brought on in second half,but we could be 3 down by then,we havent brought enough new blood in to re structure,time will tell.....This is the West Ham Way.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Why Ashby, Longelo and Baptiste haven't been given squad numbers and Alese was allowed to go. Is Moyes ever going to give them a go?

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I feel Deluded that there seems to be too much emphasise on instant results,not having the time for giving youngsters a go ,especially in the top half of the Prem,lower half and Championship you will see bringing forward the young,i personally prefer growing our own,but that takes time to establish.......This is where we fall down,as we cant spend like the top 4,and dont bring the youngsters forward either,thats my view on it anyway.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Than buying foreign players from foreign leagues ( Haller, Anderson) or lower leagues (Hugill, Benrahma)? Might as well save the money on training up Academy players and put the savings towards top Premier proven players then

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There lies the problem! Taking a chance on youngsters can be a risk in the prem these days but also its catch 22 when will they ever get a chance?

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