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Forwards and upwards....

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Submitted by ANTKB1 on Thu, 31/12/2020 - 13:31

I don't know about you all but I would really like to see some consistentency and work rate up front, we just don't have that and are in dire need before we get destroyed by one of the better Teams and morale is affected. Love Antonio but he is never a centre forward, and the shame of the matter is the person that should be leading the line is a lazy sulking waste of space. The odd flash of brilliance is not enough and we need to replace, so what's your views on potential options in January? Loan him back to Eintracht and get an experienced proven forward like Giroud? Who else could we look to lead the line? Or do you think we should wait until Antonio returns and stick with him as a forward given his goals to date?

We all know that most west ham fans base the ability of a player on how much running he does in a game so Mo Farah might be a decent shout!
Personally i don't think Giroud would cut it with the players we have supporting him, he has a wealth of talent around him at Chelsea, i think part of west ham's problem is the supply the forward gets, i think that needs sorting, we already have a proven goalscorer in Haller but just like every forward we buy he's not putting away the 1 or 2 half chances he gets, we need to create more in my opinion, not just hopeful crosses. I would think if we want workrate then Josh King would be a decent shout but i don't think he'll be a prolific scorer.

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He is though, let's be honest when was the last time we had a striker that bagged loads of goals, we let Sakho go, he was probably the most recent, before that who knows, Marlon Harewood i expect.
Why does Moyes not change the system to make it work, it's clear for everyone but Moyes that Haller isn't a lone striker so why not play 5-3-2, i think has done a decent job but the last few games he's made some poor decisions in my opinion.

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For westham? Souschef a midfielder (very good 1 too) gets in the box better than haller & scores goals,young ben johnson ( right back normally) got in a better position in the box to score in 1 game he played.benrahma on for 15 mins could & but for a great save from their keeper should have scored...I could go many games has le sulk played on the bounce now? Must be about 8 games - 2 goals,not one half chance he has created or tried to attempt...where you get proven goal scorer is beyond me

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His record before he came to West Ham obviously, that's what i'm saying, how many strikers have come to West Ham with a good record and not done it at West Ham, it's not just coincidence is it, Haller is far from a shit player, you don't get to his level in football if you're shit!!

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Proven!!! Dear oh dear,he hasnt proved anything with us,to warrent any big up,and also if he was that prolific and oozing quality,why did frankfurt let him go,you cannot point the finger at any other player,the problem is haller himself.

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What he did in an inferior league to the prem? Hes done nothing at westham isnt that all that matters? He was bought for 45 mill to do a job & has failed miserably.a terrible player

28 users have voted.

Well said 65,we have been writing about this bloke for weeks,and if you look on these youtube captions,hes doing all the same as he is with us.....poor passing and falling down,and thats why they got rid.

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The very fact he was bought for 45 million proves my point!
He started at West Ham really well, great link up play, always looked like scoring, Moyes has done a decent job at West Ham but his style doesn't suit Haller, Haller is seriously lacking confidence and is becoming disinterested in playing in a system that doesn't suit him, it's obvious Moyes doesn't want him which has added to him becoming disinterested, it still doesn't mean Haller is shit or not a goalscorer.

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Because pel & husillos persuaded the dildos (they thought pel was the messiah!!) to part with that sort of money for a player they thought would do the same in the prem.i repeat apart from Bayern Munich,the bundesliga is not even on a par with the chumps.when he came to us he looked ok scored a couple of goals but then that was it after a couple of games.its obvious moyes doesnt want him? Why the hell does he play the useless lump then? Bizarre lol

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He plays him because Antonio is injured and he has nobody else, but why not try adapting the system to suit him a bit more?
Listen to people in football talk about Haller pre West Ham, then maybe you'll believe that the price tag was not so ridiculous.

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I hear what you’re saying Dave. As I said before on paper he’s great but not so good on grass. Yes you’re right he needs a striker up there with, but tbf Moyes didn’t buy him and so he wants players for “his” system. Haller also isn’t that effective that you build a team around him. Granted he was decent enough in the Bundesliga to warrant a £45m price tag, but that league is nowhere near the standard of the Prem. I think what people are against is that for someone so big and strong, he can’t do the basics. He can’t hold up play, can’t jump for a header (I imagine he shuts his eyes and hopes when he does), can’t pass to feet and lumbers about not tracking down. Now if you’re saying he needs another strike partner to do that work and him pick up the pieces, then as you say he’s at the wrong club, with the wrong manager. Soucek, Bowen, Coufal, are Moyes types of signings. Busy, industrious and relentless. That’s what this team is becoming, unfortunately for us and him Haller isn’t any of those things, and I’m not sure, for as good as he was in Germany, he’s a luxury you put up with like a Le Tissier. I think the sooner he goes and DM buys a DM striker the better. Can you imagine how far we could go with someone who can play in that system, as well as Antonio?

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Ive been saying all along that he cant even do the basics & for a player that cost 45 mill,playing in the prem for the mighty Hammers its just not good enough

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I think he has the ability to be a very good player but, he's been terrible the last few games and looks so dis-interested. He may not like the system being played but it's not an unusal one in the PL, and not being able to hold the ball up given his size, position and value is a bit concerning i have to admit Dave. Great goal the other week but even when he scored that he showed '0' passion in his celebration, which was pretty weird to me.

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He has been poor by his standards although i think his workrate has been decent contrary to some people's view.
He needs his career to start again somewhere, a club where the manager wants him and believes in him, but you're right his value has plummeted since being at West Ham.

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Adam Armstrong at Blackburn is quick and two footed. Bit on the small side but worth a look.

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nigel frost

No I wouldn't base a players ability on how much running he does and I would cringe at the thought of any fans thinking like that, but then a lot of our fans thought Carlton Cole was a great forward so who knows??? I agree he does have ability and he's not having the luck with the chances but, it's embarassing watching him shrug his shoulders and not put in a shift for the Team mate. In terms of King being an option, I really don't see it but I want someone with a decent goalscoring record so it will probably mean an old timer in the last 2 seasons of his career.

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I don't know where we go mate to be honest, i sometimes think young and hungry is better than someone looking for a final pay cheque but it's the hardest position to fill isn't it.

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I saw an interview with big Sam just as he took over at WBA and he mentioned that the first thing he drills into his players is that your first touch should be to move the ball forward. Now I don’t recall seeing much of that during his West Ham days, but maybe I wasn’t paying attention.
For the first six or so games of this season I saw a West Ham team playing on the front foot, moving forward.
Unfortunately during the last half dozen games we seem to have rediscovered our innate ability to find our goalkeeper from almost any attacking position on the field.
Football is not a complicated game. Play the way you are facing and try to move the ball upfield.

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Too many times a defender will get the ball deep in his own half with acres of green grass in front of him and instead of moving forward with the ball will attempt a pin point 50 yard bomb of a pass which usually ends up at the feet of an opposing player. Drives me nuts. And while we are at it, why are are Ogbonna and Dawson having to direct movement forward. They should be distributing the ball to one of the so called creative midfielders ASAP so they can do this . It is is their job afterall.

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nigel frost

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